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This is probably my all time favorite street photo. The light is just incredible. It has everything: face light, hair light,background light and great colour. This was really a rare occasion when it all came together. And it was totally unanticipated.

I had my back her talking to my students about that nights assignment (high ISO night photography). I gestured with my arm and turned a bit and noticed this girl sitting directly behind me. I instantly saw how magical the moment was. I glanced at the top of my camera to check the settings as I was already on my way down to kneel, students forgotten for the moment.

As I got in position the camera was set. I just had to focus was all. I shot 5 frames then she looked up and the spell was broken. I knew I got it.

~This was the only image I have ever taken in my whole life where my hands were shaking afterwards. I was really excited about this image and the story it might tell.

One scenario I think of is – street girl in Havana gazing at her phone in wonder of a world she may never see. Not sure about this one as it is really difficult to get most internet outside of Cuba. She may be just playing a gameā€¦

This is also one of the rare images in my archive that required very little post work. No image would not take any contrast, saturation or exposure changes without making it look worse and manipulated. It was perfect. The only thing I did in post was brighten the light on the wall by 10%.